Mastering Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses

Know how small businesses can leverage the expertise of the best social media agency in Kolkata. Elevate the social media presence of your brand & achieve marketing success.

In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for small businesses to connect with their target audience, increase brand visibility, and drive business growth. However, navigating the complex landscape of social media marketing can be challenging, especially for small businesses with limited resources. This is where a social media marketing agency in Kolkata can be a game-changer.  

Continue reading “Mastering Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses”

What are the Ideal attributes of a social media marketing agency?

  New-Age Social Media Marketing

To remain current and interesting to our audience as new trends and technology emerge, it’s crucial to keep one step ahead of the curve. 

Social media marketing has become an essential part of modern business marketing strategies. In today’s digital age, businesses need to be active on social media platforms to reach out to their target audience effectively. However, managing a social media campaign can be time-consuming and challenging. This is where a social media agency in Kolkata comes in. They help businesses develop and execute effective social media marketing campaigns to achieve their goals. 

Continue reading “What are the Ideal attributes of a social media marketing agency?”

Omni Presence Of Social Media Marketing: Its Need In Business

Social media marketing agency in Kolkata is a game-changer in the field of digital advertising. Learn how you can benefit from their services. 

Social media evolved into a crucial marketing and communications channel for businesses, organisations, and institutions of all kinds. It includes those in the political sphere also. It is important to take into account the future of social media in the context of consumer behaviour and marketing.  Social media agency in Kolkata is culturally significant. For many people, it gives them the power to access a wealth of information, share content and elements of their lives with others, and learn about the outside world. Social media is crucially dynamic. Social media as we know it today is different from even a year ago, and it will probably be different from now in a year.

Continue reading “Omni Presence Of Social Media Marketing: Its Need In Business”

Selecting The Right Social Media Channel For Your Business

Social media agencies in Kolkata are working towards identifying ever-evolving social media trends and also, changing patterns to implement them in business operations. 

The advent of social media marketing companies in Kolkata has forever changed the atmosphere of the digital medium. It has completely revolutionized the face of online marketing.  By bringing new and exclusive features, it has benefited marketers in many ways. New avenues have opened up, thus making it possible to share a single piece of content all across the globe. The increasing use of social media likes has made social media marketing an essential tool for digital marketing.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest

Understanding your audience, their likes, interests, demands is important in determining which marketing strategy will be suitable for your brand. However, the reasons why many upcoming brands falter in leveraging social media for proper business growth are mainly due to insufficient funds, lack of a formal strategy, and shortage of in-depth industry knowledge. 

How To Bring More Profit To Your Business Using Social Media?

  • Consistency: Profitable social media tactics are quite consistent. If social media is treated as a novelty, one can post in bulk in one week and can avoid posting for the next week.
  • Frequency: Some of the social media accounts can be acquired or created to post once in a week. These sites also gather followers and make a profit.
  • Strategies And Campaigns: Before getting started, one should have a formal documentation including the strategies that will actually dictate the goals, the target audience, and the planning to rise rapidly.

Final Words

As the hunt for the best business strategy to widen a brand’s reach continues. A strong social media presence will increase conversion rates. Avant-Garde Technologies, the best digital marketing service provider incorporates effective measures to help you plan a successful social media campaign for your business. Their skilled professionals help you grow your business and handle projects even if you have limited resources.

How Did Social Media Begin? A Look At Its Continuous Evolution!

The evolution of social media is noteworthy as it fuels the social media marketing services in Kolkata. This article is about how it began and where will it lead?

Social media is a story about developing and nurturing personal relationships at scale. But today the meaning of social media is changing vastly. Today, a social media marketing company in Kolkata can carry vast arrays of activities with the help of social media. From brand awareness to client attraction, it does everything. 

Generation-Z Social Media Outlets:

Today’s pool of social media services jockeys for the attention of about 5 billion mobile device users globally. These are some prominent social media outlets:

  1. Facebook 

Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. He was then a student of Harvard University. It has a user base of nearly 1.7 billion more than any other application. 69% of them are U.S adults. 

  1. Twitter

Twitter was a discovery led by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in 2006. It is a microblogging site with more than 22% of U.S adults as users. 

  1. Instagram

Kevin Systron is the founder of Instagram. In 2010, the Stanford graduate made this app for sharing photos, and later in 2012, it was taken by Facebook. More than 1 billion users all across the world use Instagram. 

  1. Reddit

Reddit saw its launch in 2005 by Steve Huffman along with Alexis Ohanian. It is a news-sharing platform that has 300 million users. It is quite popular among every social media agency in Kolkata. 


Explore a wide range of the best digital marketing services in Kolkata with Agts India. The industry is a reputable name when it comes to providing optimal services. Due to affordable services and on-time delivery, they have become the best digital marketing agency in India.

5 social media marketing hacks that can boost the business of a company

social media marketing , ppc management service kolkata

An essential part of social media marketing is effectively reaching out to a wide group of audience. Social media plays a colossal role in this quest. Today, technology has become a part and parcel of one’s daily life. Most of the time is spent on online networking sites. However, it is not only meant for entertainment. People also rely on them for engagement and knowledge.

Social media marketing is, therefore, an essential tool for business expansion. It is all about establishing a connection with the audience and sharing valuable information. But it is one of the most challenging tasks.

Here are some enlightening hacks that one can follow in regards to conducting their business seamlessly while boosting audience engagement.

1.Conducting polls: Polls are one of the easiest and convenient ways to generate audience engagement when one is involved in social-media, online marketing. This procedure does not consume a lot of time and effort while participating in it. However, it is one of the most productive ways to deliver fresh information to the audience.
For example, a poll can be done on the question- “How many searches are there on Google every individual month?”

2.Asking creative and interactive questions: Marketing on social media sites requires one to put in a lot of creativity. This can be done by simultaneously intriguing the targeted audience group into learning more about one’s own business. One can post captivating and thought-provoking questions and invite innovative answers. This one of the ways a company can render customer satisfaction. Including videos and images also helps a lot.

3.Mentioning commentators through tags: Everybody loves validation. Mentioning or tagging other people under a brand’s post lends more credibility to the post by notifying that they are being talked about and compelling them to share it with other audience members.
It is also important not to go overboard or flood the posts with too many tags. Trying to fit them all makes the company look desperate. The user experience of the audience tampers and enough credit is not given to the company. Rather scheduling personal posts and posting them over a few days is more advantageous.

4.Making use of hashtags: Although it may seem like a no-brainier to a few, it is still worth mentioning. For any good PPC management service Kolkata, using hashtags is one of the most obvious ways to find their social content, thus making them more relevant. One can also search for suitable hashtags by natively searching social media sites or go through databases like or Haiti. Researching on best hash tagging practices also benefits a lot.

5.Utilizing social media management and tools: A company can only reach its full potential if they are consistently posting and checking what’s happening in their pages. This can be done by integrating social media management tools. These elements allow one to schedule their posts timely and activate their tasks. This, in turn, enables one to respond to audience queries faster and keep conversations running.

One can visit the website of ‘AGTS’ to learn some convincing and practical hacks on how to conduct social media marketing efficiently and reach the pinnacle of success.

Things To Know About Social Media Marketing


Introduction of Social Media Marketing in Kolkata has helped many companies and businesses to reach out to their targeted customers and engage more of them to nurture the business exponentially. Social media marketing helps the companies to increase the brand awareness and create nosiness among its customers about its services and products. SMM also helps the business establishments to target its intended customers, build good relationships for long-term engagement, and get the insight into the customer’s preferences.

The data on the social media’s relevance reflects that approximately seventy percent of the customers prefer to get the information of the business that can be instantly accesses on the social media platforms. And more that seventy-five percent customers with positive experiences about that particular brand will refer it to his or her near and dear ones. The relevance of these social media podiums are increasing with the penetration of the internet services even into the interior regions of the country and the spread of the smartphones.

The experienced team of Kolkata SMM Service Provider helps the clients to add traffic to the site via different social media daises. It will be a big mistake to miss out the link with the potential customers who frequently visit the social media pages of your business website. Maximum audiences are now found interacting with different brands via facebook, pinterest, twitter, linkedin, and instagram. The powerful and positive interactions with the clients on these social media sites can help in bringing favorable results to the marketing business and get more and more loyal customers.

The social media marketing also help to create as well as share content via the diverse social media platforms. SMM helps every client to advertise and promote the brand and the marketing objectives. The activities of the social media sites encompass image and video updates, posting texts and other catchy contents to help the company to grab the attention and engage the customers. Paid social media advertisements are also there to engage good number of customers. The professionals in the team help in achieving the social media goals, create awareness using the perfect mix of the platforms, and hit the audiences through the right SMM campaign. The team members are very much aware of the roles of every social media platform. Suppose, the travelling business or the ecommerce business is sure to get more profitable outcomes by being on instagram or pinterest instead of being more on twitter or linkedin.